Highlights of the report include
- The provision is outstanding
- Children thrive at the nursery.
- Staff have the highest expectations for all children and provide specific levels of support and challenge that meet every child’s individual learning needs.
- Staff are excellent role models, and children’s behaviour is exemplary; they show kindness to each other and are consistently well-mannered.
- All children make exceptional progress in relation to their starting points. The curriculum is balanced, sequenced and carefully considers children’s individual needs and experiences.
- Children’s needs are at the heart of all decision-making. The management team has worked alongside staff to make continual improvements depending on the needs of the children and families who attend. For instance, it has reduced the number of children in the rooms to enable staff to provide the support that is needed. This has had a positive impact on children’s progress.
They thoroughly enjoy the freshly cooked meals and healthy snacks provided. - Staff know their key children and others in the group exceptionally well.
- Children settle into the nursery quickly and benefit from tailored support and care. For example, children who are new to the setting are provided with one-to-one support when they arrive.
- The staff team is highly qualified and experienced. Staff say they feel valued here and are passionate about their work with children.
- The leadership team is inspirational. Leaders show dedication to providing children with the best possible start in their education.
- Parents speak highly of the whole team and the nursery. They say their children’s ‘progress is amazing’ and their child ‘is treated as an individual by staff who genuinely care’.
- The provider and management team ensure they recruit new staff safely and regularly check the ongoing suitability of existing staff through regular supervision meetings.