Bluebell Room
Our Bluebell room is designed with security and comfort in mind for babies and children up to 2 years old. With low level accessible storage and furniture, babies are encouraged to explore their environment and access a wide range of age appropriate resources.
Our Early Years Practitioners provide activities and resources to help each individual child flourish. Activities include sensory exploration, singing, messy play, creative experiences, role play and more! All activities a carefully planned to meet the needs and interests of the children attending.
With their own outdoor play area, babies and children can explore the outdoor environment throughout the seasons, with plenty of shade to shelter them from the elements.
Meal times – Meal times are social occasions and our low level table and chairs ensure children can sit together and chat away! Home cooked meals can be provided in any consistency to meet the needs of babies, as they navigate their way to becoming independent self-feeders.
Rest and sleep times – Our key person system ensures that babies have a familiar adult to help them settle off to sleep. With a range of cots and low level beds babies can rest whenever they need to. We work closely with parents to ensure sleep routines at nursery is the same as at home and we share this routine with you via our parent portal app.

Daisy Room
Our Daisy room is a spacious room with direct access to outdoor play. Toddlers are busy people as they begin to work out about the world around them. With this in mind, we provide a wide range of resources at child level so they can choose freely to play with what interests them.
We have a role play area, small world, construction, reading area, sand, water, painting, creative space, not to mention an outdoor play area with a climbing area and slide.
When children need some quiet time, we have a calm corner filled with relaxing sensory activities to help children unwind after a busy play time.
Our Early Years Practitioners are on hand to support children’s learning and provide children with support and encouragement to extend their own learning. Speech and language development happens at a rapid pace at this age, so practitioners ensure the environment is rich in speech and language experiences.
Meal times – Children spend meal times together and Early Years Practitioners encourage conversation and early independence skills. Food is cooked from fresh and we often see children eating food they have never tried before as they see other children enjoying it!
Poppy Room
Our Preschool is designed to promote independent learning and discovery. Children are supported by a team of Early Years Practitioners who promote a love of learning through exploration and curiosity.
Practitioners are skilled in asking the right questions to support children’s critical thinking skills and encourage a lifelong love of experimenting and learning. With the transition to Primary School on the horizon, we ensure children are fully prepared.
Daily carpet sessions are designed to develop children’s listening and concentration skills, the finger gym supports fine motor control and a café style snack system fosters independence skills.